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Friday 30 September 2011

now ive done assigment 3

what do i do for assignment 4?

john hedgecoe Depth of field

Depth of field is a characteristic of a camera that can be used to enhance the image composition of the photo. Depth of field means the sharp area surrounding the point of focus. The magnitude of the sharp area is affected by several factors: distance between the camera and the subject, focal length and aperture.
 From  http://www.secondpicture.com/tutorials/photography/meaning_of_depth_of_field.html

what i like about this photo is when the camera is looking at the house   with the sky shineing down on to the house.and it mainly focusing on the house. 

Focal point assignment 3

A focal point is something or someone that captures the bulk of the attention, either intentionally or by chance. 

What catches my eye here is the man siting on a peace of wood in the middle of the sea with the grey stormy sky in the background and the grey sea.

Thursday 29 September 2011


ADD MY COMMENTS to show that I understand how they demonstrate excellence in each area

this photo is by john hedgecoe.

Composition is the pleasant arrangement of elements within a frame which give the most powerful ability to attract the eye, and to keep it exploring within the frame for as long as possible.
i found this deffinition on this website http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/composition.htm

the compositon of the photo is when the lady is sarrounded by flowers.  the flower frames her face.

Monday 19 September 2011

annie liebowitz Lighting

  • Lighting

what i like about this photo is the way the sky is lighting on the left the dark room. shining on the queens face and the wooden  floor and putting the rest in blackness.

chosen artist

i can use 4 different artists
  1. vee speers
  2. annie liebowitz
  3. perou
  4. john hedgecoe

Thursday 15 September 2011

First Analysis

  • FACTUAL: This Image is by vee spears
  • the CONTEXT:this is a nice photo of a boy holding a sniper gun. Army boy.
  • TECHNICAL:i think that the photographer  took this in a white room with a white walls and then he edited it. to make it look realistic 
  • AESTHETIC:what i like about the photo is the way the photographer took the photo in a white room i think. then he edited it to make it stand out.i would like to learn about this and make this our of this.